Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My polar buddies out in the Arctic!

A baby harp seal has white fur.The babies are helpless and the white fur helps camouflage it against the ice and snow. Harp seals will eat a lot of different sea food. Crab, krill, crustations, capelin, plaice, eels, shrimp, salmon, herring, octopus, flounder, cod, plankton, smelt, anochovies, jellyfish and squid are favorites. Pups drink milk from their mothers. One interesting fact is that if a harp seal pup eats, it's teeth grow. When it doesn't eat it's teeth don't grow. In normal dives harp seals come up to breathe every five minutes. They can and will dive to a depth of 600ft. and stay down thirty minutes.

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